Today i go Mid Valley Gaigai with lingling~~
after the evil dream on my bed,my head was so pain...
then i prepare myself n wait lingling come fetch me..
when i go in the car, Oscar is in the car..
he was so cute so cute~
i hope i could have a dog like this so much..
[but my mom hate animal]
so my dreams only can make it after i live alone or married...
[my sleepy eye-.-]
Then lingling n me bought some new year cloth alread~
muahahahhaa...soooo happy!!!!!
we go Mango VIP Preview Sales..
then i bought the "Happy To Be Bad" Disney T-Shirt~
i want it long time ago it so much...
then ling ling n me bought 2 pairs of mini skirt...
we love it so much!!!!!![one ppl buy 2^^]
we are going to wear together when we go shoppin...
woohoo!!!!yeah~the charac of sisters~
we are going to be twinsSss...yeah!!!!!
wallet,skirts,blah blah blah blah~~~
next month is converse sport!!!!muahahahaha~~
[learn "huang-tae-kyon"]
so happy cause Mayb we are going to work at d same place,
start from next month~ happy^^
got ppl acc me in KTM le~~
so tired...but tomoro hav to go Pavillion AGAIN!!!-.-
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